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24 December 2013
Eco- Friendly Cleaning In Your Home
Eco- Friendly Cleaning In Your Home

Ensuring that the planet does not get flooded is the job of every human that understands the problems that the world faces. New research suggests that there could be no more ice in the arctic within the next three years, which has extremely connotations for the planet and the humans living on it. You need everything in your daily life to contribute to the plight that the world faces, so ensure that the domestic cleaning is not left out, as it uses a lot of processes that can be harmful to the environment. Looking at how you go about the cleaning in your home may also open you up to some ideas about how you conduct your life, and also how you can change that to make them more suited to helping the environment of the earth.

For a start, ensure that your cleaning company is green. Domestic cleaners should make an effort to use responsible transport and the like to get to your house. Use a cleaner who lives nearby, so that they can get public transport, or even walk! If you have a house cleaner who lives in your area, use them over the one who is a few miles away. Your cleaner will most often use the cleaning items that you have in your home. This means that you need to responsible with which things you buy. Sustainable and eco-aware products are extremely important, and you will find that they often save you cash in the long run as well, given as they are geared up towards lasting longer. You can find eco-cleaners in the supermarket nowadays, though they used to be rare. These products are made from plant extracts and minerals that clean just as well, without using harmful chemicals to kill germs and get rid of grease. You will find that these eco sensitive cleaners come in recycled bottles, which can be refilled at the plant, so that there is less plastic wasted. Unfortunately the expense of these products can put people off. There are cheaper alternatives however.

Lemon, vinegar and baking soda can be combined to make cleaning products that will work well in all areas of the house without damaging the eco systems that they are flushed in to. Normal chemical cleaners can harm the water dwelling life that the water systems run in to, as well as being harmful to produce, so they need to be avoided. Try making up batches of cleaner with the three more natural ingredients, and using them around the house. For the bathroom, vinegar and lemon will combine to get rid of limescale, whilst adding baking powder makes a fizzy, creamy domestic cleaning paste that is perfect for baths and sinks. In the kitchen, lemons can be used to degrease surfaces, and the vinegar will also disinfect anything that needs cleaning. The list goes on, and there are thousands of recipes to be found on the internet. Make up a few batches and see how they work for you, both in terms of economy and environmentally.

Ensure that your cleaning equipment is sustainable. Try to avoid flimsy plastic items that break easily, as then you won’t be replacing them all the time and chucking out harmful plastics. The fact is, wood and metal from local sources will make much more hard wearing items to clean with, and will have less polluting air miles. Cutting down on plastics is essential, as they clog up landfill sites and kill wildlife all over the world. Ensure that your domestic cleaning service follow your eco example and you’ll be set!

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